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IGF-1 DES is a peptide, analog of insulin-like growth factor 1 available as a drug. It is different from other drugs due to its potency, the derivative of reduced binding of human Des[1-3]IGF-I to most of the IGF binding proteins, which modifies the biological actions of IGF-I.


What’s IGF-1 DES 1mg:

IGF-1 DES is a peptide, analog of insulin-like growth factor 1 available as a drug. It is different from other drugs due to its potency, the derivative of reduced binding of human Des[1-3]IGF-I to most of the IGF binding proteins, which modifies the biological actions of IGF-I.

This protein is considered as a high-quality agent useful for research purposes and it has been used in studies on cell growth, IGF receptors, and IGF binding proteins.

Results and benefits:
Researchers have observed a possible mental enhancement produced by IGF-1 DES. It has provided cognitive benefits in participants through excitatory synapses (allowing the communication from a neuron to any other cell type) of the hippocampus (a part of the limbic system that involves short-term memory and long-term memory as well as spatial navigation). IGF-1 DES is beneficial to old-aged patients, as a useful compound to support memory disorders like Alzheimer disease.

IGF-1 DES has been defined as a delicate chain due to its half-life of 20-30 minutes. Its efficacy is remarkable in the specific injected area but it does not have effects on overall growth. That is why it is necessary to identify the muscle groups near to the target area of application to accomplish the best results.

During training, IGF-1 DES binds to receptors deformed by lactic acid to enhance tissue growth. This peptide has the faculty to recover damaged tissue and muscle growth, which derives an improvement in physical performance. This feature can call the attention of athletes who are in search of a rapid development of their muscle.

Some patients with existing cancer have reported a link between the use of this peptide and the growth of cancerous tumor size, but this fact is not fully checked. IGF-1 DES does not cause cancer by itself; nevertheless, vulnerable people should be aware of the possible consequences of the use of IGF-1 DES to avoid unwanted effects.

How does it work?
IGF-1 DES differs from IGF1 in the quantity of amino acid that composes it. Its chain of only 67 amino acid (three of them were cleaved off) potentiates its effects on the human body. IGF-1 DES is reported to be more active biologically, which contributes to the cellular growth and the development of tissues along the body including muscle, tendon and neurological building effects.

How to use:

IGF-1 DES can be used multiple times in a day at a dose of 50-150 mcg. To accomplish effective results, it should be taken inconsistent doses to stimulate their growth. IGF-1 DES should be administered with the property at regulated doses, its effectiveness depends less on the large quantities supplied and more on the favorable reaction of each individual to this peptide.

All products listed and provided through (COBRAPEPTIDES) are strictly for research purposes only. Products provided by (COBRAPEPTIDES) are not intended for use in food products or as any type of drugs.