What is TB-500?
Phenomenally enhance muscle mass. The Ultimate Recovery Peptide Thymosin Beta 4 or TB-500 is a First-in-class naturally occurring peptide present in virtually all human and animal cells.
TB-500 has been shown to produce protein and growth factors. Promote rapid wound healing Increased muscle growth.
Huge increase in endurance and strength as well as potent anti-aging, and anti-scaring properties. TB-500 promotes blood vessel cell and skin cell regeneration and migration, resulting in more rapid and effective wound repair as well as faster recovery from injury.
- Faster recovery times following intense training
- Increased muscle tone
- Muscle endurance
- Strength
- Energy levels
- General well-being
Promote at least partial regrowth of hair which has been lost to male-Patten baldness. Darken at least a portion of hair which has grayed.
How to reconstitute TB-500:
Sold in vials containing either 2 or 5 milligrams of lyophilized peptide powder. The contents can be reconstitute by adding a convenient amount of sterile or bacteriostatic water.
One completed they will have a nicely reconstituted vial of peptide the product ready and good to go!
1-2 month shelf life when stored under refrigeration
(Calculating the reconstituted TB-500 dosage)
As an example of calculating the reconstituted product dosage protocol:
2mg of TB-500 powder + 21111 of bacteriostatic water 2,000 micrograms per milliliter 2mg per milliliter
2mg vial = 1 whole dose at 2mg per dose
Inection points for this compound are into a small pocket of skin or fat located in the belly region.
Dosing the correct amount
A 2mg dose would require 2 milliliters “200iu” as marked on an insulin syringe
The most common dosing protocol is to take 2.0mg of TB-500
Either once or up to twice per week for four to six weeks After a four to six weeks loading phase of either a single or double dose of TB-500
The amount can be reduced to once or twice per month for best results.
An exceptionally popular if not one of the most popular peptides in the world and for good reason.
All products listed and provided through (COBRAPEPTIDES) are strictly for research purposes only. Products provided by (COBRAPEPTIDES) are not intended for use in food products or as any type of drugs.